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NavDrishti Times is a leading Newspaper in the field of Social, Cultural and Political news coverage.

Mission NavDrishti Times a fortnightly National Newspaper publishes only unbiased and genuine news worthy items that go with the interest of the readers.

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Written and edited for the state-of-the-art minds of present day India, Open, each week, captures the political, economic, and cultural spirit of our instances and attempts to live trustworthy to its promise of now no longer dishing up recycled information or opinions. A clever mag that makes its readers experience smarter, Open gives the fine of narrative journalism in India.

Cutting aspect writing on politics, economy, society, culture, books, art, cinema, and recreation makes it a mag this is in a everlasting communication with India.


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Open is aimed primarily at the global-minded resident Indian reader, though its online offering (this website) gives its readership a more commanding geographical sweep.

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We waking you up on time, News at different Perspective

We know we make a difference. We know this because our articles are used to push policy; used to challenge status used to spread the word about what is possible. We know you believe in our independence. We have your trust. Our information has purpose. It is credible.


We know we make a difference.


We know the reader's taste


We give what our reader's digest

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NavDrishti Times cannot sustain work without your help. One, we need your involvement in taking our ideas for further.

Empowering in the industry

We do not have the marketing muscle to get into each house; we are also limited by language.

More than a Newspaper

Our objective is to provide the understanding for impact. NavDrishti Times commands the most highly integrated distribution network in India amongst magazine publishers

Nothing But Authentic

We publish news for many cities. NavDrishti Times is highly simply because it is the only  paper to seriously acknowledge the relevance to impact the new era.

News at another perspective for those who read

We strive to denote the social, political, economic & cultural shift in society that have come about primarily because of relatively recent innovations in information and communication technologies.

Making Publishing Marvels

We desire excellence in every word and add a moments of good reading.

Make your dailies informative

NavDrishti Times has further envisaged a digital expansion which will be more immersive and holistic about the Indian experience and connect with the global Indian. In short, NavDrishti Times is emerging as a thinkpad for the next quarter of the century.

All News Which fits in print

NavDrishti times has policy stories that have been shared with readers before anybody could. Our edit and opinion pages offer mature and reasoned insights and in the true spirit of being the fourth pillar of democracy, accommodates all shades of viewpoints and counterpoints.

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NavDrishti Times is a leading Newspaper in the field of Social, Cultural and Political news coverage.

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